application for android x86

application for android x86

Hi i want to include android market application into the android-x86-eclair build. can anyone suggest me how to do this ? thanks in advance. regards. The ndk includes support for the x86 abi, which allows native code to run on android-based devices running on cpus supporting the ia-32 instruction set.. I have android x86 froyo as live cd when i am inserting usb drive to pc it is detecting as sdcard . i want to know how to install .apk application residing into /sdcard/.

android x86 is a project to port the famous android open source ...

Android x86 is a project to port the famous android open source Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. put the fun back into computing. use linux, bsd.

Because android-x86 is unable to use android market (only vendors licensed by google can), installing new applications is not as easy as an android phone.. How to debug an app for android* x86 and the tools to use. submitted by xiaodong which itself needs to be bound to the native android application in order to. Options for releasing native android* apps for which still does not support x86. in this case, the application will crash when launched and the system.

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